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What We Do


About Us

Service To Humanity Inc. is a 501 c(3) tax exempt non-profit organization located in Douglasville, GA. We provide classes and various capacity building programs to at-risk youth to develop life skills, tutoring and emotional support with the aim of ensuring they are able to successfully become contributing members to our community. Students are exposed to and taught the skills necessary to be positive contributors to their communities after they leave High School. Our subject areas include: Workplace Essentials, Life Management (Financial Literacy), Entrepreneurship and Leadership. We also provide tutoring support in the critical tracking classes taken by our students including: math, reading, and science. We also offer mental health advocacy for our students.




To provide educational support, coaching, life skills & financial literacy training, to marginalized students who are exposed to certain risk factors of low performance.


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To build a community where every student is given a legitimate opportunity to prepare for and succeed in life as they transition into adulthood and life after High School.



We are guided by our core values which are:

● Respect: We treat all people with dignity and respect

● Excellence: We set tangible benchmarks for our organization and a clear plan to achieve them

● Service: We seek to always benefit the public and our stakeholders

● Integrity: We conduct our activities in a way that is honest, transparent and ethical

● Good Stewardship: We give good account of every resources bequeathed to us

● Diversity: We embrace people of all race, gender and sexuality

To provide educational support, coaching, life skills & financial literacy training, to marginalized students who are exposed to certain risk factors of low performance.



Interested in extending a helping hand. Sign-up today to volunteer.

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